There are many reasons why we think automatic lubrication systems are great! In this blog you'll learn the benefits of using an automatic lubrication system, automatic lubrication methods and more!

What are Automatic Lubrication Systems?

Automatic Lubrication Systems, also known as Centralized Lubrication Systems help to ensure that lubricant is applied to machines in a consistent and even manor. Essentially, this means that while your equipment is in operation and the main chain and chain drive system in motion the automatic lubrication method would apply a controlled amount of lubricant to your machine and spread it to one or more desired lubrication points at once.


Chain Guards’ Top 5 Reasons to Use an Automatic Lubrication System

1. Eliminate Human Application Error

One of the greatest advantages of automatic lubrication systems is that the EXACT amount of lubricant at the EXACT same location is properly applied to chains, gears, bearings and other mechanical parts WHILE moving. This is extremely helpful because if not enough lubricant is applied or applied in the wrong locations, the amount of friction and heat can increase, which can result in damage or wear on your equipment. Since automatic lubrication means you will be saying good-bye to manually applying your lubricant, you'll also be saying good-bye to human error as well. We all make mistakes, and it is easy to apply too little, too much or completely forget to apply lubricant all together (Ouch). Automatic Lubrication allows you to sit back & relax, since you can feel confident that the right amount of lubricant is being applied the same way, every time.


2. Encourage a Safe Work Environment

Another bonus to automatic lubrication systems is that they can apply the lubricant while the machine parts are moving, which is the BEST time to lubricate! Trying to manually apply lubricant to a chain while a machine is in operation is a potential recipe for disaster.  Automatic lubrication systems mean that you and your team are less likely to get a pinch point injury.

What is a pinch point injury?

A pinch point injury occurs when someone gets injured due to a "pinch point". A pinch point is when two objects come together and eliminate a safe space, which could result in an injury if you got your fingers or limbs stuck. Pinch point injuries could range from blisters all the way to a severe injuries and in some cases, death. When applying lubricant manually, in order to apply it in the safest way possible, (if you value your fingers & limbs at least), the machine you are applying lubricant to needs to be shut off during application. Automatic lubrication systems will allow you to apply lubricant during operation, a precise amount of lubricant, at the best time, in the safest way possible.


3. Apply Lubricant Efficiently and Reduce Equipment Downtime

As we discussed in the point above, automatic lubrication systems allow you to apply lubricant safely, while your machines are in production. With manual application, you must first stop production. Manual lubrication can be a time consuming process. For instance, in order to lubricate a cold oven chain you must let the oven cool, which usually takes up 4 hours, meaning you lose about half a shift of production. After the machine is cool, you must then manually apply the lubricant, which can take another couple hours. Finally, you have to heat the oven back up, which takes even more time! If your bread oven is producing 5,000 to 10,000 loaves an do the math! That’s a lot of lost production due to inefficiency!

4. Eliminate Mess and Lubricant Waste

Automatic Lubrication will eliminate lubricant waste and prevent mess from occurring. With manual application you may apply too much lubricant, accidently apply it to the wrong area or drip onto other surfaces when trying to brush, spray or drip it on. Automatic Lubrication will ensure all of your lubricant is being put exactly when and where you want it to be. This allows you to eliminate downtime & keep your machines consistently running, making your operation even more efficient!


5. Avoid Cross Contamination

Automatic Lubrication also ensures that any cross contamination caused by lubricant mixing does not occur. At Chain Guard we're all about baking safe, (check us out on our socials #BakeSafe) so if it helps ensure the health & safety of others, we're all for it! 




Is my chain getting enough lubrication?

Don't know how to tell if your chain is getting enough lubrication? Well, is your chain noisy and stiff? If so, that noise could indicate that your chain drive is quite literally calling out for more lubricant. If you find yourself lubricating frequently, but your chain remains noisy, you might want to consider applying more and switching your lubrication method. Read below to learn all about the types of automatic lubrication methods for chain drives!

Our Choice of Lubricant

So you might be wondering...what is the best type of lubricant to put into an Automatic Lubrication System? At Chain Guard, we are huge advocates for using nothing but NSF H1 Food Grade Lubricants. Just as an automatic lubrication system can keep your operation running smoothly and effectively, our H1 lubricants will do the same thing and make your operation safer too! As amazing as Automatic Lubricant Systems are for creating efficiencies and reducing waste along with reducing human error, if you are not using an H1 food grade lubricant, your clients and co-workers are not  fully protected. By using an H1 Food Grade Lubricant in your automatic lubrication systems, you will keep yourself & your customers protected in case of any malfunctions in your system.

Invest in your food processing facilities' productivity and see the results! Bake more with automatic lubricant systems and #BakeSafe by using Food Grade Lubricant!

Click here to see our verity of food grade lubricants.




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